My living room at 8:15 am

My living room at 7:15 pm

It's quite challenging to have the house stay clean with three toddler boys running around. Most days I attempt to keep the toys picked up throughout the day. Every night we put everything back in it's place and start all over again the next day. It's a never ending cycle. The same cycle happens on my kitchen floor. The kids eat at least 4 times a day in their chairs in the kitchen. They are messy little stinkers and always manage to get gunk on the floor. Thank goodness I do have an automatic vacuum cleaner named Kirby (the dog, not the brand) to take care of the large chunks of food. For the ground in gunk, I have to get on my hands and knees with a Clorox wipe and scrub it. This ritual happens after every meal for the most part. I won't even bother explaining the carpet issues. Sometimes it all gets to me and I boycott the floors for a while until I can't stand it. It's a never ending cycle of sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, wiping slimy fingerprints off windows and furniture and wiping down counters.
Whew, I feel better. Thanks. Now back to cleaning.
Is that why you named him Kirby? I am glad it is not only my house that has filth monkeys running through it.
That last picture still looks pretty good to me. Just wait... it get's worse. They'll figure out how to get out paint and glue and glitter and things you wouldn't even imagine. That's when the real fun begins! I think you do an amazing job keeping up your house, it always looks great. I aspire to be like that too! Maybe, after my kids are grown?
I don't know what you mean. My house is a palace. Ok, occasionally the CD's get out of alphabetical order, but I immediately return them to order. That's really the worst thing that happens at our house : )
It is a never ending cycle! And I will also boycott for awhile until I can't stand it fact, just yesterday I mopped for the first time in a week. I blew it off as long as I could stand it. Dogs do make great clean-up helpers.
Oh, there is an easy soultion to your problem-you must train your babies to put away their toys as soon as they are finished playing.
I am an excellent mother because I dont have kids yet;)
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