A stomach bug has hit our family. Austin and I have it now, and Eric and Ethan are doing everything they can do to avoid it. We have been quarantined to the bedroom.

We have been eating a lot of saltines and applesauce, drinking lots of water and watching way too much TV. I think it's a 24 hour bug. I felt like death yesterday, but today I feel much better. As bad as it is to be sick, nothing is worse than seeing your baby sick. I sure hope Austin feels better soon and no one else gets this yucky stomach bug!
Update: Even our fish are sick. Yes, you read that correctly. Out of the blue we noticed that all our feeder goldfish are dead and poor Norman the Oscar is laying on the bottom of the tank. It happened in no more than an hour. Now Eric is running to the pet store with a sample of fish water so the fish snobs can diagnose our fish. I sure hope we can save Norman! Life sure is interesting!
That must be the same bug that hit our house last week. It is truly awful. I hope everyone is doing better now.
Sweet Austin with the cracker. Makes me want to melt. I hope everyone is feeling better today.
Poor baby! I hope you guys are feeling better today. I am going back to work tomorrow. I rested allday and feel better.
poor baby! I am glad to know you guys are feeling better:)
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