We rang in the new year at our neighbor's house. We ate yummy Chinese food, drank champagne and played Guitar Hero. The adults kicked the kids off and had a great time playing! Sammy and Chris stopped by to wish us a happy new year. Sammy is 8 months pregnant and she was absolutely glowing. I was sure to call my mom after midnight because today is her birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!
My resolutions for the new year:
- Help Austin to get over his separation anxiety so he will stay in the gym child care for longer than 10 minutes. This will enable me to accomplish my next resolution...
- Head to our gym at least four days a week. I am so ready to get back into the swing of things and get back in shape.
- Have one or two "chores" to do a day. I'll decide every day what I want to accomplish that day. This could be dusting the house, washing clothes or vacuuming and of course is on top of the other hundred things I do everyday already.
- Eat healthier foods and eat only when I'm hungry. I also want to try one new recipe a week.
What are your new year's resolutions?
Wow! Ya'll actually did something for New Years! Sounds fun. We went to be around 11pm. It's not worth staying up late when the kids still get up early! I vow that one day I will celebrate New Years properly again!
I was in bed before midnight, too! I wasn't planning on it, it just happened. It looks like y'all had a great time. I have no idea on my resolutions. I'll have to think about it for a while...
Ray just yelled up to me, "Are you going to do anything besides blog tonight?" Men.
I'm glad you had a fun night. I guess I need to borrow some pictures so I can create a better New Year's Eve blog. Blogging is hard when you don't really do much.
New Year's resolution....hmm I am not real sure about this. I THINKING of making it to run the San Antonio marathon in November...but I am still THINKING about it! I need to find a running partner. I will not train for long distances by myself again.
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