When we first started snorkeling that hot day in November, I had visions of us looking for the treasured parrot fish and enjoying the underwater beauty together. Eric had other plans. He didn't want to hold hands because he couldn't move around as well under water. I pouted for a minute and then said to myself "fine, I'll just hold on to his life jacket instead so we can take it all in together." I held on and floated beside him with my underwater camera. I was relatively happy with the arrangement even though it wasn't as romantic as I wanted. Then it happened. I saw a huge, beautiful parrot fish swimming nearby. I pointed at the fish and started to pull Eric that direction. He was not paying attention to me at all. I motioned again and said with my snorkel filled mouth "there is a parrot fish over there!" He still kept on swimming and disregarded my constant pointing. I frustratingly pulled him up to the top of the water to see why he was ignoring me. To my utter shock, it was not my new husband. It was some strange man saying "I am not your husband" in a foreign accent and pointing at his ring finger. I almost died at that moment. Eric heard a commotion from underwater 20 feet away and popped up to see the spectacle. The funniest part to me is that the guy didn't say "I don't know who you are" or anything like that. He was actually telling me that he wasn't my husband and showing me he had no ring. He knew that I had to be married since I was so bossy trying to tell him where to swim.
Needless to say, Eric learned an important lesson that day. And he will always hold my hand when we snorkel from now on.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
In my world there are so many, how do you pick??????
That is one of my favorite stories of yours. I have retold it several times...it still makes me laugh!
Great story. I'm not so sure about my most embarrasing moment. Tonight, when I was leaving Dustin's house, I was talking to his mom for a minute in the driveway. We both giggled, and I accidentally let out a little toot. I heard it, but I'm not sure if she die. Argh!
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