I am a proud momma today.
Proud of Austin for hanging out in the gym childcare for an hour two days in a row. What a breakthrough! We all walked out of the gym holding hands happily. Just the fact that we all walked out together and I'm wasn't chasing them around made me so happy!

Proud of Ethan for going TT in the potty 14 times yesterday! He was so excited to get stickers on his piece of paper he tried to go every 10 minutes. I think I spent half my day in the bathroom with him!

They can be such stinkers at times, but sometimes I just look at them and just want to eat them up! They are so sweet and they mean the world to me!
Such sweet boys. I'm so happy that the gym and potty training are going well.
Good times!! I have a feeling there will be a day very soon when Ethan will be potty trained and Austin will LOVE going to the gym. Good Work!
That's really going to suck if Ethan is potty trained before Ellie! Don't take that the wrong way- I wouldn't wish what I'm going thru on anyone! I'm so glad Austin's doing better at the gym. Persistence prevails!
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