Ethan had his first soccer practice last night. I don't know who was more excited about it, Eric or Ethan. Eric was a big soccer player, so he has been waiting for this day for a long time. It was really cool to see them out on the soccer field together.

The coach asked the nine 3 year olds what they wanted to name their team. Ethan's suggestion was Shrek. Other suggestions were lamas and donkeys. After much debate, donkeys won out. Go Donkeys!
Austin did not sit still for one minute. Eric and I chased him around the soccer field and tried to entertain him. Needless to say, it was very challenging. Eric and I decided we will find a way to keep him away from the soccer field so he will be happy and so he doesn't distract Ethan. Instead of paying attention to the coach at the end of the practice, Ethan was saying "I want Austin to play soccer. Austin is my best friend. I want my best friend to play soccer with me." Isn't that so sweet? Next year Austin will get to play soccer too.

Now we have to go buy Ethan cleats, shin guards, knee high socks and soccer shorts. What fun! I guess I'm officially a soccer mom!
How cute! I can only imagine how cute a bunch of 3 year olds are "playing" soccer. Logan was 4 1/2 when he first played and it was funny even then. They can be pretty clueless about it all. You don't realize how complicated it all is until you try and explain it to a little kid!
How cute is that
Oh my gosh how cute! We are going to his first game no matter what! I cant wait!
How adorable! I love the team name!
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