This all changed this morning. He sweetly crawled in bed next to me and snuggled. I was torn! I loved cuddling with him, but worried he will start coming into our room earlier and earlier until he is coming in during the middle of the night. Only time will tell what happens next, but our lucky days are probably over. Oh well, it wasn't too bad waking up to this sweet face.

I love it when my kids do that ! some of my favorite memories are waking up with them having crawled in bed with us then laying in bed for a long morning watching TV.
That is a great picture of Ethan. I love his eyes!
My kids do this every morning. If it's too early, I simply take them back to their beds. They both know it's ok once it's getting light outside. Lately it's still dark when we get up, so that makes it a little more difficult. You can really get some extra snoozing this way. I just turn on the TV and lay there as long as they'll let me!
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