The pregnancy was rough for me. I had just been pregnant and was still nursing Ethan. Several doctors recommended I stopped nursing, so I eventually weaned Ethan. I was very sad about this, but wanted the utmost nutrition for my unborn baby. Don't ever listen to anyone who tells you it is impossible to get pregnant while nursing! I had many annoying pregnancy issues with Austin: My sciatic nerve hurt from the moment I found out I was pregnant, restless leg syndrome, a rib that made it impossible to sleep on my left side, horrible heartburn and all this while toting around my 1 year old and taking care of another little boy. It was hard and I doubted I would ever want to get pregnant again. God sure has a way of helping us mommies forget what we have been through!
At 36 weeks, I was already 3 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. Once again, I thought every day was the day. Since Ethan weighed over 9 pounds, we decided to induce labor 9 days before my due date.

At 10 centimeters I started to push. After the first set of pushes, they told me to wait. Apparently the pushing was really working, so they wanted to call the doctor to come catch him. Within 15 minutes of waiting and 3 more sets of pushes he was out. It was the best experience. I had no pain and got to really enjoy the birth. I actually said to Eric that it was so easy I would have one more baby for him as I was pushing Austin out.

I immediately fell in love with Austin too. Giving birth is such an amazing experience and I thank God every day for my little miracles.
look at that cutie pie!
Seems like only yesterday!! What a beautiful family!
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