5 am Monday morning we checked into the hospital. I got a quick ultrasound done to see if she was still breech. Sure enough, her little head was up and her bottom was down. 7 am we headed to the operating room for the c-section. Our little Lauren Paige was born at 7:26 am.
She weighed in at 7lbs, 14 oz and was 20 inches long. She looked so tiny compared to Ethan who was born at 9lbs 4oz and Austin who weighed 8lbs 4oz. The nurse let me hold her while I was in the operating room and they brought her to my postpartum room very quickly. I was so relieved that I didn't have to wait long to see her!

My friend Kristen was my delivery nurse for all three kids. She assisted with the c-section and was also my photographer. She took the best care of me and I greatly appreciate all she did for me!
That afternoon the boys came up to meet their new baby sister. They were so excited! The first thing Ethan said was "Now baby Lauren is out of your tummy and you can run and play momma?". Austin told her he loved her and said she was a good girl. They gave her kisses, talked to her and smiled for the cameras.
Our first family photo

It was nice to have our family and friends come visit us in the hospital.

Eric's family

My family

My family took care of the boys while we were in the hospital.
Sherry and the kids came in town from Louisiana to help out. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins and grandparents. They came to visit us at the hospital every day and were always so sweet to their baby sister. It was so nice to know they were having fun and I was happy to not to worry about them at all so I could do lots of this...

We headed home Thursday morning. We were so excited to bring our baby girl home! I was ready to be with my boys, watch my shows on the DVR, sleep in my comfy bed and blog again too!

The boys ran outside to meet us when we got home. They were so happy to help bring their baby sister in and show her around. We had to pose in front of the stork my parents made us. My mom repainted it to say "
It's a girl" this time.

We are very in love with our little sweetie pie. She is such a good baby and our family is now complete. We couldn't be happier to have her!
Congrats!! She is just gorgeous Lisa!!!
What a beautiful family! All of you!
I am so happy that finally have your little girl!
Welcome home!!! It's good to have you back. All of your pictures are wonderful. Kristin is the best baby nurse ever. We should all take her out to a thank you dinner sometime. Mindy and I were wondering about the stork. I'm glad to see it's back in action. I hope you have a good night tonight. I'll give you a call tomorrow.
Congratulations! Lauren is precious. Enjoy :)
You have such a beautiful family! I am so happy for you!
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