I'm off to a magical place where at the push of a button
they bring you anything you need.
Even vicodin.
When your stay is through, they send you home with the very best kind of souvenir.
they bring you anything you need.
Even vicodin.
When your stay is through, they send you home with the very best kind of souvenir.
The bag is packed.
The camera is charged.
The clothes are washed.
The camera is charged.
The clothes are washed.
The instruction manual for the boys is hanging on the fridge.

Tomorrow morning he won't be the baby anymore.
I'm crying. Good luck. We'll be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow morning. Love - erica
You and baby Lauren are in our prayers today and tomorrow for a safe delivery. We are very excited to meet her. Love, Constanze.
Sniff... What a beautiful post!
Lauren is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! LOOOOVE the cheeks! :)
thanks for making me cry! lauren is one lucky girl to have two big brothers!! she is such a doll! you did great today!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I cant wait to see you guys tomorrow!!!!
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