Today I had my 19 week appointment that included a diagnostic ultrasound. All day I was very excited and anxious. This pregnancy has been very different, so I wanted to make sure everything was ok with the baby.
As we entered the ultrasound room, I was a nervous wreck. I laid down on the table and we got our first peek at Baby. After we found out Baby was perfect, I immediately had this calm feeling come over me. Eric and I had prayed in the car that everything be ok and that God would be with us, and He definitely was.

As the ultrasound tech moved her way down the baby's body, I wasn't even anxious. I just knew I would be happy with a boy or girl. I love my two boys to pieces, so how could I not want another one? Then she said "well, your baby girl looks great!". I immediately started crying in disbelief and excitement. Eric in his own way was overcome with emotion as well as he got his first glimpse of the little girl that's going to steal his heart.

On the way home from the doctor we stopped off to get the boys a little something to give their new baby sister. We wanted to have something pink in the house so the boys would know she's a girl. I just couldn't resist this dress and the lamb was perfect for the boys to put in her crib. I am very excited about decorating a room for a baby girl. I need to get busy with my sewing machine. Even as I type this, I still can't believe it!
We are definitely still in shock that we are having a girl. The boys were very excited about having a sister, even though Ethan keeps saying jokingly that we are having a baby boy. They both jumped up and down with excitement when we told them. My sweet parents got us some baby girl balloons and the best piece of chocolate cake ever. We couldn't be happier and we are so excited about little Lauren Paige!
I am in tears reading this, because I am SO HAPPY for you guys!!!!
We are so excited! Tatum baked a cake and made signs. Check my blog out tomorrow.
YEAAAHHHH!!! Congratulations again! We're SOOOOO happy to have another little girl around! Madison thanks you!
Congratulations!! She is beautiful. Just like in my dream : ) I couldn't be happier for you and your family. Lauren is a lucky girl.
so happy for you Lisa!!
We can't wait to meet Little Lauren!
Yippie!!!! I'm so happy for you both. You'll be so glad to have some of each. They're so different. It worked out perfectly even if you didn't realize it at first. The boys will grow up together as best buddies and Lauren will be the baby princess!
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