It's official. I have baby fever. How could I not with all these babies and pregnant people around me? After holding Jacob, even Eric admits he has it too. Don't worry though, I'm not pregnant and won't be for a while.

Our family visited Sammy, Chris and Jacob today. Jacob is doing great. He is so cute and is such a good baby. Ethan and Austin were very gentle and liked looking at him. Austin was more interested in the dogs though. Both boys did tell me they wanted their own baby when we left. See, even they have baby fever!

While the boys napped, I headed over to see my second newborn of the day Madelynn. Jennifer and Luis make the prettiest baby girls! Charlize is so gentle with her baby sister. She loves holding her. It was sooo cute!
I'm so happy for all my friends and their new babies. Only two more babies left to meet in the next few months!

love the pictures!! thanks for coming over today, we had a great time with you and your family.
I can't wait to hear " the news" and shop for cute baby things for you.
So sweet! Your time is coming!!!
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