When it's hot, my boys do not enjoy being outside. Who can blame them when it's over 100 degrees? They prefer to draw, build with legos or play a game inside. Yesterday it was cloudy outside and they had the best time swinging, hunting for acorns and exploring the yard. It gave me a tiny glimpse of what life will be like in the fall when the weather cools off. I can't wait!

Devising a plan to get the most acorns out of the tree.

Lauren loves being outside too! Can't wait until we can hang out on a blanket outside while the boys play.
Last year, the first cold front came on September 16th. That's only a month away and I'm counting down the days until it cools off!
1 comment:
Oh, I can not wait either. I am already buying the girls long sleeve stuff cause I am just SO READY for cooler weather. It does feel kind of weird buying long sleeves when it is 100 outside. Ha!
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