Austin is a great napper. He never misses a nap and has no problem falling asleep,
unless his big brother is in there to distract him. Every day the boys get in their beds to take a nap around 1 and every day they talk and play instead of going to sleep. My latest solution has been to give them 15 minutes to attempt to go to sleep in the same room before I give up and take Ethan out. Without fail, Austin is fast asleep within 5 minutes of Ethan's exit.
Being the exhausted, pregnant momma that I am, I have been laying down in our bed with Ethan during nap time. If he has silence and no distractions, he falls right to sleep. We have never let our kids sleep in bed with us at night, but I must admit I love my naps with Ethan!
How lucky you are ....... Ian gave up naps at 2 years old !
I love sleeping with my girls....whenever Pete is out of town, the girls are in my bed!
One of my favorite time of day is very early morning when Jacob kisses us to wake up. Man, I am going to miss that when I "lay down the law" and make him sleep in his bed all night.
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