Friday, September 30, 2011

praying mantis fun

The boys found this cute little guy in our backyard the other day and wanted to keep him as our pet. 

He was very tame and let the boys hold him.  

Ethan let him crawl all over his head.  Yikes!


Austin made Ethan grab him off before he got to his neck.  Smart kid.


Lauren wanted me to take her picture with him too.  Who knew a praying mantis could be so much fun?!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

and the winner is...

Random Integer Generator
2 - Erica
Timestamp: 2011-09-29 14:19:51 UTC

Thanks for the comments and for taking time to read my blog!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Saturday the boys had their first soccer game of the season!  We joined a new league, so they have new coaches and teammates. 

Look at that form!

Before Austin's game, the coach had the players do a couple side line to side line races. 

I love the determination on his face!

Lauren was very encouraging to her big brother.

Austin scored 4 goals!


He gave his signature thumbs up after each goal. 

The field Ethan's team plays on is huge!  The league allow 4 players on the field at a time for Ethan's team and Austin's team can have 3.

Ethan missed playing soccer this spring when he played T-ball, but he jumped right in again.

Ethan scored a goal!  It was a great shot from pretty far away from the goal.  He was so excited and so were we!

We are so proud of our little soccer players! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

4 year blogoversary giveaway!

Today marks my
four year
anniversary of blogging! 

It's hard to believe I have published 862 posts since September 26th, 2007.  Wow, things have really changed around here since then!   Blogging helps me to keep things in perspective and focus on how much God has blessed us.  I love that we have a record of our family's day to day life as well as the special moments like...

In honor of my blogoversary, I am giving away a custom made ruffle sunglasses case of your choice to one of my readers.   Just leave a comment for a chance to win and I will announce the winner on Thursday.  I would love to hear from you!  Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

worn out

This is what happens at 6:30 pm after spending one night at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Austin's quilt


I finished Austin's quilt!  I used Cluck Cluck Sew's raw edge circle tutorial and love how it turned out!

I used over 50 different fabrics that I collected with this quilt in mind for Austin. 

I used my favorite American Jane Pez fabric in red for the backing. 

I added a handwritten note for Austin like I did on Lauren's quilt.

Beverly with Bluebonnet Star Quilting designed the quilting for me and I love it!

He loves it too!

I  love my baby boy.  He is so sweet, funny, playful, determined and smart.   


Next up, Ethan's plus quilt!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Schulenburg camping

This weekend we loaded up the camper and headed to Schuelenburg to hang out at Felisha's dad's cabin in the country. They have acres of beautiful land and we had the best time exploring, eating amazing food and relaxing with friends and family.


The kids had so much fun!  They love spending time with Haden, Hannah and Conner.

We went fishing in a pond full of giant catfish. 

Our little fisherman caught a fish!  He hooked a GIANT fish, but it broke the fishing line before we could reel it in. 

There were so many beautiful backdrops, so I couldn't resist snapping some shots of the kids.


The kids loved riding in the utility vehicle. 


Austin and Ethan even drove!  Scary! 

Speaking of scary...

Never fear!  It's a BB gun and Eric was standing right behind him.  It was a little stressful for this paranoid mom, but they had a thorough gun safety lesson before they started. 

The guys got in some skeet shooting and the boys practiced shooting Eric's BB handgun.



The kids had fun chasing around an armadillo and pretending to be one.

There is something so peaceful about the country.  The kids begged us to stay and Eric and I didn't want to leave either.  It was so relaxing and fun!

I am now bound and determined to find us a house on a little plot of land just north of Austin!

Monday, September 12, 2011


When Ethan was born 6 1/2 years ago, I cried every day I was home with him during my 3 month maternity leave.   I wanted to stay home with him, but financially it wasn't possible at the time.   When my maternity leave was up and I went back to work, Erica took care of Ethan for me.  I had cried so many tears before I went back, that I did fine when I was there.  My heart just wasn't in it though, so I decided to start looking for a baby to take care of at home. 

A couple weeks later, thanks to an ad Erica had up for her own tutoring services, a wonderful lady called me to see if I was interested in caring for her child.  When I told her how much money I needed to make in order to quit my job, she told me she would double it.  My prayers were answered!  A month after going back to work at Dell, I got to stay home!  I knew at the time it was God's plan for our family and I'm so thankful His perfect way enabled me to stay home with my children the last 6 1/2 years. 

Now that the kids are in school, I really feel like it is time to go back to work.  I'm hoping to find a job where I can work from home several days a week.  If you would have asked me if I wanted a full time job 3 months ago, I would not have felt the same as I do now.  The boys are in school and doing so well.  My busy little girl misses her brothers during the day.  She loves school and seems to thrive there.  Our tenative plan once I get a job is to have my mom take care of the kids after school.  Lauren will go to school from 8 to 2 every day, then my mom will pick her up, pick the boys and work on homework while Eric or I work in our bedroom (AKA the office) for a couple hours.  It seems to be a win-win for our family and I feel such peace with it.  Eric and I really feel God is leading us down this path.  I am very excited about it and I actually have my first interview Friday.  Prayers are appreciated!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The adventures of Buster

Austin's kindergarten class has a class pet named Buster that gets to go home with a different child every week.  This week Buster got to go home with Austin!  Buster has a special journal where we will document all the adventures he goes on.
(Last year Ethan got to bring home Spot, and you can read about his adventures here)

Austin rode his bike home from school Friday to find Buster waiting for him.

Austin was very happy to see Buster!

Austin took Buster on a little ride around the cul-de-sac on his 360 big wheel.

To make Buster feel right at home, Austin and Ethan got out all their dog stuffed animals to keep him company.

Austin's very favorite thing to do is play 9 Hole Golf card game, so Buster got to play a lot of cards this weekend.

Austin showed Buster the view from up high in the tree.

It was a fun weekend and Austin loved spending time with Buster!