Monday, September 12, 2011


When Ethan was born 6 1/2 years ago, I cried every day I was home with him during my 3 month maternity leave.   I wanted to stay home with him, but financially it wasn't possible at the time.   When my maternity leave was up and I went back to work, Erica took care of Ethan for me.  I had cried so many tears before I went back, that I did fine when I was there.  My heart just wasn't in it though, so I decided to start looking for a baby to take care of at home. 

A couple weeks later, thanks to an ad Erica had up for her own tutoring services, a wonderful lady called me to see if I was interested in caring for her child.  When I told her how much money I needed to make in order to quit my job, she told me she would double it.  My prayers were answered!  A month after going back to work at Dell, I got to stay home!  I knew at the time it was God's plan for our family and I'm so thankful His perfect way enabled me to stay home with my children the last 6 1/2 years. 

Now that the kids are in school, I really feel like it is time to go back to work.  I'm hoping to find a job where I can work from home several days a week.  If you would have asked me if I wanted a full time job 3 months ago, I would not have felt the same as I do now.  The boys are in school and doing so well.  My busy little girl misses her brothers during the day.  She loves school and seems to thrive there.  Our tenative plan once I get a job is to have my mom take care of the kids after school.  Lauren will go to school from 8 to 2 every day, then my mom will pick her up, pick the boys and work on homework while Eric or I work in our bedroom (AKA the office) for a couple hours.  It seems to be a win-win for our family and I feel such peace with it.  Eric and I really feel God is leading us down this path.  I am very excited about it and I actually have my first interview Friday.  Prayers are appreciated!


  1. I'm so excited for you. I know this will work out exactly like its supposed to just like everything else has.

  2. You're definitely in my prayers! I have faith in you & I know that God has a plan for your sweet family!

  3. Good luck Lisa! Sorry I missed you today...

  4. Looking forward to your next chapter!
