Monday, September 26, 2011

4 year blogoversary giveaway!

Today marks my
four year
anniversary of blogging! 

It's hard to believe I have published 862 posts since September 26th, 2007.  Wow, things have really changed around here since then!   Blogging helps me to keep things in perspective and focus on how much God has blessed us.  I love that we have a record of our family's day to day life as well as the special moments like...

In honor of my blogoversary, I am giving away a custom made ruffle sunglasses case of your choice to one of my readers.   Just leave a comment for a chance to win and I will announce the winner on Thursday.  I would love to hear from you!  Thanks for reading!


  1. Great idea Lisa! Love the sunglass cases! Happy blogging!

  2. I am happy to have shared the blogging adventure with you. Four years! Wow. The sunglasses cases are beautiful.

  3. I love these!!! They're beautiful & made with love! I always enjoy reading your blog & seeing your sweet photos!

  4. Yea! Love them-I have thought of these cases several times :)

  5. Those would make a great Christmas present for your sister or nieces, or just you favorite niece, Tatum!!!!!!

  6. I totally thought you were giving away that camera bag!! But I'll play anyway :)
