Sunday, September 11, 2011

The adventures of Buster

Austin's kindergarten class has a class pet named Buster that gets to go home with a different child every week.  This week Buster got to go home with Austin!  Buster has a special journal where we will document all the adventures he goes on.
(Last year Ethan got to bring home Spot, and you can read about his adventures here)

Austin rode his bike home from school Friday to find Buster waiting for him.

Austin was very happy to see Buster!

Austin took Buster on a little ride around the cul-de-sac on his 360 big wheel.

To make Buster feel right at home, Austin and Ethan got out all their dog stuffed animals to keep him company.

Austin's very favorite thing to do is play 9 Hole Golf card game, so Buster got to play a lot of cards this weekend.

Austin showed Buster the view from up high in the tree.

It was a fun weekend and Austin loved spending time with Buster!

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