Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school 2011


Today was the first day of school for the boys!  They were all pumped up and ready to go!

Our big kindergartner was very excited to start school!  He is so happy to have his friends Madison and Jarret in his class with him. 


Ethan was all ready for first grade!  Look how much he has grown since his first day of kindergarten.  Ethan has two boys in his class from last year and his best friend Vivian is in his class too! 

Lauren wanted her backpack on too and posed for pictures with her big brothers.

We ran into our friends up at the school and Tye, Madison, Ethan, Austin, Julius and Vivian all got to walk in together. I'm so thankful our friends are our neighbors and we have kids the same age!

Ethan and his first grade teacher.  She is so sweet!

Austin was lucky enough to get Ethan's teacher from last year!  We love her and I'm so happy Austin is in her class.  I am room mom this year and I'm really excited about it.

 Mr. Cool had his hands in his pockets just like his big brother did last year.  So cute!

Both boys had a great day and are excited about going back tomorrow!


  1. Awwwww. Love these pics! Lauren looks so cute in the pic with the boys. Looks like Ethan and Austin both had great first days!

  2. Love the pics! Glad they had a great day!

  3. Fun pics! I LOVE that butterfly dress!

  4. Awwww, could Austin BE any cuter with his little hands in his pockets??!!
