Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Austin's day

My baby boy starts kindergarten in less than a week.  While I am very excited for him, I am feeling a little nostalgic about this milestone in his life.  No more lazy days at home with his momma for Austin.  I documented a day in his life so we could look back on how life was before he started school. 

Austin woke up this morning at 6:45 and immediately wanted to do his very favorite activity... play a card game!  He and Ethan played a couple games of 9 hole golf while I drank my coffee and tried to wake up.

Since it's been over 100 degrees for months now, we have only been able to really enjoy culdesac time in the mornings.  Austin loves riding his scooter.

Madison and Adam came out to play, which made Austin very happy!

After playing in the front, it was time to relax and watch some Pokemon.

The boys got in a quick game of foosball before we headed to the pool.

Austin can swim!  We have had the best time this summer going to our neighborhood pool to swim.  The boys can do the slides now and they LOVE them. 

Angry Birds time!

The kids had frozen yogurt pops for dessert after dinner.

The boys are all about climbing trees.  I love that our trees have gotten big enough for them to play in!


Austin's day started with a game of cards and ended with a game of cards. 

I love our card loving, funny, competitive, compassionate little man and I am excited to watch him grow this year!