Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Austin!

Our little man is three! If you ask him though, he will say he is four. He wants to be the same age as his big brother. He has changed so much since last year!

My parents went with us to take Austin to Build-A-Bear for the first time. The boys had a great time picking out their animals. Austin chose a turtle he named Sea Turtle and Ethan chose a frog he named Hoppy. They both picked out swim trunks for them to wear. Man, I'm glad I only have one girl because a girl could go crazy in that store with clothes and accessories!

Austin helped to stitch up his turtle. He took his job very seriously.

Happy Birthday Austin! We love you very much!


  1. Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!! It feels like yesterday that you were born & you & Maddie met for the first time!!

  2. Cute picture of the boys!!! Happy Birthday Austin!!
