Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just what the doctor ordered

30 minutes lounging in the sun
(while Lauren napped in the swing and the boys played in the sprinkler next to me)
Shower and time to get dressed
(while Lauren and Austin napped and Ethan hung out with me)
Girl's night
(with my dear friends while my sweet husband put all three kids to bed)
One happy momma!
(Last night was just what I needed!)

Last night we met at Z-tejas to celebrate Erica's 35th birthday. We celebrated there last year too. You can't go wrong with half priced appetizers and drink specials. It was so nice to sit outside on the patio, enjoy great food and spend time with close friends.

Happy Birthday Erica!


  1. Following doctors orders never felt soo good;)

  2. Thank you all for a lovely birthday celebration. Two years in a row at Z'Tejas. I guess that makes it a tradition...
