Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sam's baby shower

Yesterday we went to Samantha's baby shower. It was fun to have a girl's lunch all dressed up at a nice restaurant. I don't get to go out to eat very often without two little boys demanding my attention, so it was really nice!

I just love baby showers. I love the tiny baby clothes, cool new baby products and baby talk. The one item we said was a must have for every new mom is the Miracle Blanket. It's a swaddle blanket that really helps calm babies and get them to sleep. We also said the Bumbo seat is good to have, even though they are recalled. Just use common sense and don't leave your baby up high in it unattended! Sam got lots of really cool things for baby Adam. We all can't wait until he gets here!


  1. You are so ready for another baby !


  2. Could that be a grosser picture of me? Yuck! I hope I didn't really look like that!
