Monday, January 14, 2008


We grow up believing in fairytales.
We spend our lives searching for our prince,
but find only disappointment and loneliness.
Our solitude becomes our strength.
We learn that life isn't a fairytale,
but what we make it.
We choose our lives daily.
Being alone makes you strong enough to see who you are as a person.
We grow through friendships,
learning more about ourselves and who we want to become.
So someday when our prince comes,
we can give him our true selves,
because now we know who we are.

I wrote this back in 1998. That year was full of self discovery. Sammy and I use to read books and talk about how we could improve ourselves. I don't ever want that to stop. I want to always strive to be a stronger woman, better mommy, wife and friend.


  1. Wow! That's great. I can't believe you wrote that almost 10 years ago! You were wise at a young age. Save that for your kids.

  2. You know I have that poem printed on one of my jewelry boxes you gave me;) I love it!

  3. Your poem is very good. It would be one I would have cut out and saved in my special treasure box I had growing up.

  4. Very profound, Lisa. Erica's right, you are wise. It's lovely and hopeful.
