Saturday, January 12, 2008

100 things about me...

Apparently there is a tradition in which bloggers create a list of 100 things for their one hundredth post. This is mine.

  1. I hate wearing socks to bed.
  2. I get nervous at the mall.
  3. Abbie Wagner became my blood sister when I was 11.
  4. I was in the play Annie and played Grace, the secretary.
  5. I have had a ferret, rabbits, fish, cats, dogs, hamsters, pot-bellied pig, cockatiel and a chameleon as pets.
  6. I don't drink milk.
  7. I slept with my sister until she left for college when I was in 5th grade.
  8. I was first runner up in the Texas Oklahoma Watermelon Pageant.
  9. I learned to ride a bike in 5th grade.
  10. I love clean, organized closets even though I only have one that way at the moment.
  11. I surprised Eric at our wedding and recorded a CD of me singing "At Last" for our first dance.
  12. My sister Sherry is 9 years older than me.
  13. I can play one song on the guitar very slowly and very poorly .
  14. I can knit, but not purl.
  15. If I had to pick one food to eat every day, it would be Doritos.
  16. I lived in Guanajuato, Mexico for a month and a half in college.
  17. Spanish was my minor in college, but I have no one to practice with so I am not very good anymore.
  18. My whole life I went to a Baptist church Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night.
  19. My Dodge Daytona caught on fire at the San Marcos Outlet Mall and the picture was on the cover of the paper the next day.
  20. I like wearing shoes in the house.
  21. My oldest son weighed 9 lbs 4 oz when he was born.
  22. I weighed 9 lbs 3 oz when I was born and was 22 inches long.
  23. When I drink alcohol, my face turns red.
  24. I get really nervous singing in front of people.
  25. I would rather sing in front of an audience than talk.
  26. I worked in a call center on the phones my first job out of college.
  27. I worked at DFS 6 years before I decided to stay home.
  28. My favorite shows are The Office and Grey's Anatomy.
  29. I loved Kirk Cameron growing up.
  30. I have never been to Las Vegas or New York, but I want to.
  31. Potato soup is my favorite kind of soup.
  32. I don't have a favorite kind of flower.
  33. My favorite candy bar is Twix.
  34. I like the smell of skunks.
  35. I like fishing.
  36. I love Oprah.
  37. I have 12 live potted plants in my house and a lot more outside.
  38. I was on the golf team for 3 years in high school, but mainly because it was fun and my friends were in it too. I stink at golf.
  39. I never bite my nails.
  40. I was not coordinated enough and couldn't jump high enough to be a cheerleader.
  41. My first job was at a daycare and I lasted 3 weeks. I couldn't stand it, so I got a job at Applebees as a waitress.
  42. I sleep with my mouth open.
  43. I LOVE talking on the phone and it keeps me sane staying home.
  44. I love to eat and wish I didn't!
  45. Fried shrimp is my favorite food.
  46. I like sushi.
  47. I think it's sexy when Eric changes the oil in his truck.
  48. I said "This is so easy, I'll have another baby for you Eric" as I was pushing Austin out.
  49. I always assumed I would have a girl, but I'm so happy I have my sweet boys.
  50. I saw Becky give birth to both her kids.
  51. I was nervous about having kids because I don't particularly like all kids. Being a mother definitely changes you!
  52. I still remember my best friends' phone numbers growing up. Becky- 631-1916, Becca - 682-4689
  53. I sometimes say "green" when I mean to say "orange". Weird, I know.
  54. I cry every time I watch "A Baby Story" on TLC.
  55. My first tape was Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet.
  56. My first record was Whitney Houston Dancing on the Ceiling.
  57. I have listened to Amy Grant Christmas CD every year a million times since I was little.
  58. I took tap, ballet, twirling and cheerleading when I was little, but never stuck with any of them.
  59. I love photography and want to learn more about it.
  60. My hair got curlier after having kids.
  61. I ran five miles without stopping for the first time at age 31.
  62. I got pregnant with Austin when Ethan was 6 months old.
  63. I am blind as a bat without my contacts in. My prescription is -5.50.
  64. My mom was 35 when she had me.
  65. I love having a Coke with breakfast.
  66. I don't get hungry and snack after dinner.
  67. Cold weather makes me frisky.
  68. I love the smell of men's cologne.
  69. I got married in the same church and used the same car Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey did one week earlier. Sammy used the same car a six months later so let's hope we have better luck than Nick and Jessica!
  70. My mom, sister, Becky and Eric's mom were all in the room when I had my boys.
  71. I love the smell of a new car, gardenias, leather and my babies after a bath.
  72. My first dog's name was Toby and my cat was Patches.
  73. I had five Cabbage Patch Kids when I was little.
  74. I love white chocolate covered pretzels.
  75. I became a Christian and was baptized at age 9.
  76. We ate my pet rabbits Snowflake and Carmel for dinner when I was little. Needless to say, I am still scarred by this!
  77. I hate sleeping in the house alone.
  78. I never raised my hands above my head when I was pregnant.
  79. Eric and I use to kiss in the freezer at the Gristmill.
  80. I have grey hair around my temples.
  81. I hate dancing in public unless I've had a drink.
  82. I speak better Spanish after I've had a drink.
  83. I have sang in five weddings.
  84. I've been ice skating, snow mobiling and skiing, but never snowboarding.
  85. I've never broken a bone.
  86. I had scarlet fever in college.
  87. I once talked on the phone for 8 hours straight.
  88. I don't have a tattoo or a belly ring.
  89. I have clothes in my closet from size 2 to 10.
  90. I pretended to be a dog when I was little by drinking coke and eating Doritos out of a bowl. I clearly remember doing this all while wearing my dad's belt around my neck as a leash.
  91. I have a pot bellied pig living in my backyard. I've had her for 12 years.
  92. I didn't go to the bathroom at all after I put on my wedding dress until I took it off that night.
  93. I'm allergic to cats even though we have one.
  94. I saved a lot of notes from friends in junior high and high school and they are sitting in my cedar chest.
  95. I love to scrapbook and made my first one in junior high.
  96. I didn't know how to do laundry until I went away to college.
  97. I gained 40 pounds with each pregnancy and kept 15 of them as a memento.
  98. I collect pretty boxes and fill them with special things.
  99. If we ever have a girl, her name will be Lauren Hollyn.
  100. I am a little dorky, little freaky, little funny, little bitchy and a little too nice.


  1. We here at Skunky Acre would like to talk to you about number 34. Here is a hint, it could lead to employment !


  2. Love it. I am a good friend because I knew most of your list..except for twix..I didnt know it was your favorite candy bar,too.

  3. Great list Lisa. Very illuminating.

  4. Whew- I finally got through them all! It has been so nice getting to know you. And it has mostly been done through Sammy, Bug Cafe and Blogger! That is so funny! One of these days we will get to hang out more in person!
