Monday, July 27, 2009

soaking up some sunshine

Thursday we loaded up the car and headed to Port Aransas for Eric's annual family reunion. The road trip this year was much nicer than last year when we headed towards a hurricane. This year we caravaned with Eric's parents, Emmy, Abby and Jake. Jennifer and Kai weren't able to come to the reunion because Jennifer broke her collarbone and have to have surgery. We really missed them and are praying for a quick recovery for Jennifer! We were so happy the kids got to come. The boys had a great time all weekend with their cousins!

Our first stop was at the marina to help catch some piggy perch to use as bait for Vince's big fishing tournament. The boys had a blast and each caught a fish. Ethan has always said he wants to grow up to be a fisherman, so he loved it.

On our way back to the condo, we stopped at the beach to dip our feet in. Austin and Ethan did a little more than dip their feet in!

Lauren had her first dip in the ocean.

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