Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas celebration #4

We celebrated our 4th and final Christmas with my sister and her family Monday. We exchanged presents and spent some time together playing at the house. The native Texans were craving some good Mexican food, so we went to Chuys for lunch and spent the majority of the time taking pictures of each other on our cell phones so our pictures will pop up with caller I.D. Out of the 12 of us, there were 9 camera phones going. We looked like major dorks, but it was fun!

The boys LOVE wrestling with Trent and Trevor.

After exchanging gifts, we headed over to our favorite spot to take pictures. You can see how much the kids have grown from my Christmas posts last year here and here.

The 4 Ts
Tatum, Taylor, Trent and Trevor

Finally a decent family shot! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Notice, the perfect family picture was not taken by Lisa.
