Sunday, May 18, 2008

Float Trip 2008

Friday morning we kissed the boys goodbye and headed down to New Braunfels. We caravaned with some friends and neighbors to our campsite on the Comal River. The clear water and big trees were absolutely beautiful!
The guys
The girls

We had debated if we should take Kirby with us. I voted no because I wanted no responsibility at all on the trip. In the end we took her, and I'm glad we did. She was our original baby and she was so happy to have our undivided attention again.

Saturday we floated. We had our comfy tubes complete with head rests and cup holders, snacks, a floating cooler loaded with cold drinks and water proof bags with the essentials. The float was really fun. We all tied together and had a great time chatting. Towards the end of the trip, it clouded up and started to rain. While it wasn't ideal, I didn't care because I was just so happy to be there. On the trip back, we road in a small bus with a bunch of college students. One guy sitting next to us saw us munching on some brisket and said "Wow, how smart to bring food!" It was then I realized how old I was. We had planned every detail for the float. Back in our college days, we would have rolled out of bed, grabbed a bikini and jumped in the car. My carefree days are long gone now that I'm a momma and wife, but I'm ok with it.

Playing washers


  1. It looks like you had a great trip. Love the pictures of the boys in the kenels. Can I borrow those?

  2. I am so jealous! Great pics Lisa!

  3. That looks like a great time. Just what you guys needed I'm sure! I'm jealous too!!
