Monday, May 19, 2008

The boys' weekend

The boys had a great time with their Gege and Granddaddy this weekend while we were away. When we left, the boys were playing in the dog kennels. I made Eric's parents promise they wouldn't use them for time outs.

The boys had fun playing outside and climbing trees with Gege.

They also took a trip to Salado to see Nanny and Papa. Ethan was a big helper and helped Granddaddy load rocks in the back of his truck.

When the boys woke up from their naps on Sunday afternoon, Gege and Granddaddy were gone and Eric and I were home. Austin saw me and immediately cried for Gege and Ethan cried for Granddaddy. It was very comforting to know the boys were in such good hands and had so much fun with their grandparents!

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