Monday, November 14, 2011

Last game of the soccer season

Saturday we had the boys last soccer games of the season.  Austin's game was up first at 9.

Lauren got dirty while her brother warmed up.  Really dirty.

Austin had a couple goals and assists!

We got his signature thumbs up, but this time it was a double.


He had a great season and can't wait to start back up in the spring!

Next up was Ethan's game.  Since the other team couldn't make the game, the kids got to play their parents! 

Ethan LOVED playing against his dad.

Eventually Austin and Lauren joined in on the fun.

The boys were so happy.  It was so cute and fun to watch!

Austin's team with coach Shawn


Ethan's team with coach Ken

It was a great season and we are very proud of our soccer players!

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