Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
(Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty amoung the ordinary things in your day)

I love Thursdays!  The kids all go to school and I have 5 hours of kid free time.  A quiet, clean house makes me so happy.  When we forgot Lauren's lunch at home today, I had to run it back up to her at school.  It was fun to spy on her and see her working happily on an art project.

- Insert cheesy self portrait -
I had the best time at Target buying Lauren Christmas presents.  I'm so happy I have a little girl and get to relive my love of Strawberry Shortcake and Hello Kitty.

I dropped off two packages for the Patchwork Lollipop to the post office.  I'm still selling fabric and soon will have a couple purses for sale in my store.

After running errands, I headed back home to tackle a mountain of laundry and watch Quints by Surprise.

After making a couple of my purses with my new 241 Tote pattern by Noodlehead, I got a little crazy creative and made up a scallop purse.  I'm still on the fence if I love it or think it's a little too out there.

The boys had fun playing in the tree after school.  Austin thought his pose for the camera was hilarious.  Today was pajama day at school, so the boys enjoyed wearing their comfy pajamas all day.

Ethan still has a little bit of redness on his face and body from getting over 5th Disease.  It hasn't bothered him one bit.  Lauren had it too, but somehow Austin escaped the rash.

The boys are loving their Lego tray.

After nachos for dinner, we colored, looked at Pokemon cards and played a mean game of 9 Card.

My day started and ended with laundry.  

It was a gorgeous day and taking photos really helped me to focus on my family and soak it all in.

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