Saturday, July 3, 2010

the big switcheroo

 Ever since the boys got their bunkbeds over two years ago, Ethan has slept on top and Austin has slept on the bottom. The other night they decided it would be fun to switch beds for a night.   That night turned into another night and then another night.  I'm not sure they will ever switch back again! 

When I went to check on them last night, I found that Ethan had created his own little cubby hole on the bottom bunk.
See the hammock he created with his blanket for his stuffed animals ?  That kid is so creative.

Austin just told me he "double loves it" when I asked him if he likes sleeping on the top bunk. The LightScoop works great for taking pics of the kids while they sleep because the flash bounces off the ceilings and not on them!  Maybe one night I'll be brave enough to try it in Lauren's room.

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