Monday, May 31, 2010

the ultimate campground

The ultimate campground has free horseback riding,

a trampoline for the kids,

adorable farm animals,
(yes, that is THE Scarlett)

a water slide,

no dress code,
(Lauren sporting her Huggies blue jean diaper)

awesome food,


and no checkout times, quiet hours or rules!  Can you believe it was free too?  :)

Thanks so much to David and Sharon for having us out for a fun Memorial Day camping trip on their gorgeous ranch!
Tatum spent one night with us and the boys were so happy to spend some time with their cousin.

Ethan LOVES horses and had the best time riding, petting and feeding Cutter.
Rid em cowboy!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Graduation Day!

Today was Ethan and Austin's last day of preschool.  Austin graduated to the 4 year old classroom and Ethan is on his way to kindergarten!  The boys sure have grown up a lot since their last day of school last year.

They both sang songs with their classmates and received class awards.  Ethan received the "Most Teachable" award. 

Austin's award was the "Lifesaver" candy award for being such a good helper.

Grandma, Grandpa and Tatum came to watch the ceremonies and the boys were so happy to have them there. 
Proud momma and daddy!
It's hard to believe Ethan will go to kindergarten in the fall.  He is very excited and so are we!

Monday, May 24, 2010

15 months

Yesterday Lauren turned 15 months old!  She is getting so big.  She is babbling now and it's so cute!  She loves to be outside, play in the water and steal her brothers' toys.  She hasn't picked a favorite stuffed animal or doll yet, but she LOVES her blankie.  This week was the first time she didn't cry when I dropped her off at the church nursery.  I was so happy!  She gives the best hugs and has her daddy wrapped around her finger.

 We sure love our little sweetie! 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

our last soccer game of the season

Saturday was the boys last soccer game.  They have shown a lot of improvement this season and have really enjoyed playing. 

Since Ethan's game was at 11 and Austin's game wasn't until 1, we had a nice picnic lunch in between games.  Lauren was a trooper and enjoyed cheering her brothers on during our 4 hour soccer extravaganza.

Austin's famous wink

Austin's coach gave him his trophy for the season and he is so proud of it. 

It was a great season and we are looking forward to more soccer this fall!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Go Stars!

Last night we went to the Texas Stars playoff game against the Hamilton Bulldogs.  We got a big group together and had a blast!  The kids sat on the row underneath us and the adults were able to sit together and have adult conversations. Talk about fun for everyone!
The boys got on the big screen doing the robot. Ethan does a mean robot and was determined to dance until he got up there.  It was so cute!

Look at the attentive stare of all the guys...  Was it the hockey game entertaining them? An intense moment of a fight breaking out on the ice?  Nope.  It was the halftime show.  Texas Stars Ice Girls doing their thing.  Apparently they are entertainment for boys of all ages!

The Stars won the game in over time and it was so exciting!  Austin woke up the morning of the game with a hockey puck in his hand and went bed at 11 o'clock that night yelling "Go Stars" in his bed!  We had a great time and can't wait to go back and cheer on our team!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

sew exciting!

Yesterday I dropped off this mini quilt to be quilted.  I just love the colors in it and I can't wait see it all finished!  I'm not sure I will ever be able to part with this quilt, but I have big plans for it.

I'm collecting fabric for the quilt I'm going to make Austin.  I found the tutorial here and it just screamed Austin to me.  I can't wait to start making it!  Today I won a fat quarter giveaway of a very special fabric that is perfect for this quilt.  I can't believe I won and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Love these Heather Bailey peachy fabrics.  Now I have to decide what to make with them.  A baby quilt perhaps?
 I have some other special projects I'm working on and hopefully I will have a big announcement soon!

Monday, May 17, 2010

bring on the summer

This weekend we broke out the waterslide for the first time this year. 

The boys played on it for hours and hours Saturday and Sunday.

Lauren had fun too.

After a day full of soccer games and the waterslide on Saturday, we ended the night by making smores. 

It takes concentration to make the perfect smore.  Concentration, and Nutella.

Sunday night we also learned that our little sweetie loves fried shrimp as much as her momma.  It was a fun weekend and we are ready for more summer fun!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ethan and Grandma's first book


Written by Grandma and illustrated by Ethan.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

one week old

Saturday I was lucky enough to take some pictures of our good friends' beautiful one week old baby boy.  He was so tiny and sweet!  It's so hard to believe Lauren was that tiny a little over a year ago.  They grow up so fast!  Congratulations Felisha and Jared!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

soccer picture day

We are very proud of our little soccer players!