Thursday, May 20, 2010

Go Stars!

Last night we went to the Texas Stars playoff game against the Hamilton Bulldogs.  We got a big group together and had a blast!  The kids sat on the row underneath us and the adults were able to sit together and have adult conversations. Talk about fun for everyone!
The boys got on the big screen doing the robot. Ethan does a mean robot and was determined to dance until he got up there.  It was so cute!

Look at the attentive stare of all the guys...  Was it the hockey game entertaining them? An intense moment of a fight breaking out on the ice?  Nope.  It was the halftime show.  Texas Stars Ice Girls doing their thing.  Apparently they are entertainment for boys of all ages!

The Stars won the game in over time and it was so exciting!  Austin woke up the morning of the game with a hockey puck in his hand and went bed at 11 o'clock that night yelling "Go Stars" in his bed!  We had a great time and can't wait to go back and cheer on our team!

1 comment:

  1. Luke came home at 11 last night with a play by play of the scoring. He and Tony never mentioned the ice girls.
