Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

 We spent our Thanksgiving at Eric's parents' house eating yummy food, watching football, napping and spending time with family. Jennifer and her family spent the night too, so we all got to spend time together. It was so nice!  The boys had a blast playing together and would disappear for hours playing with their cousins.  Lauren loved all the attention she got from Emmy and Abby. We are so thankful to have such great families!

   Operation Reinsert Lauren's Earring was not successful. Poor little baby's earring fell out in her pack-n-play Thanksgiving day and we were not able to get it back in. Looks like we will be heading back to Claires this week to re-pierce it.

Our nights were spent roasting marshmallows, seeing New Moon, and scouring the ads for the best deals on Black Friday. 

Saturday morning we headed out at 7am to do some shopping.  I had braved Black Fridays before, but Jan and Jennifer never had. It was really fun and we got some amazing deals!  I'm almost done with my shopping now.  Woo hoo!  Jennifer and I are dorks and bought matching scarves and hats.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. You and Jennifer look good in your hats and scarves. Sometimes it helps to dip the earring post in neosporin before you try to stick it back in. You will have many earring emergencies in the future. Fun : )

  2. Oh, and go to Sallys Beauty after you get her ear re-done. They sell the piercing earrings, for like $6- I just keep a few pairs just in case one of the girls loses one- that way we can replace it right away and the hole doesnt close up.

  3. Really good pics of all the kids. Erica and I tried on Thanksgiving. It's really hard!! Sorry about the earrings. Ellie's never fell out. I even had a hard time getting the backs off!
