Tuesday, November 24, 2009

our girly girl

Today was Lauren's 9 month check up.  She weighed in at 17 pounds 7 ounces and is in the 75th - 90th percentile in height for now.  She was not too happy about her foot prick or two flu shots.  During the visit, I asked the doctor about getting her ears pierced.  He said I need to do it right away.  Like today. If we wait any longer, she will discover her ears and it may be a problem.  That's all I had to hear!  My mom and I ran home, picked up Tatum and my camera and headed to Claires. 

She was in ignorant bliss at first.

And then she wasn't.  She saw the lady put on her gloves and started crying instantly.  In the picture above, the poor lady was just marking her ears.

Poor little baby! 
Whoops, I'm not supposed to hold her yet, but I had to since she was so upset.

Pretty girl sporting her new studs

Can't wait to see what Daddy thinks of them!


  1. Awww, you'll be so glad you did it!! Beautiful!

  2. I am glad Tatum got to be there to see Lauren get her ears pierced. I guess I'll have to wait until her tongue.

  3. So cute! I wish I would have done this with Grace. You'll be very glad you did.

  4. Awwwww! Look at her! Big Girl! She looks adorable with her new bling!
