Wednesday, September 30, 2009

quotes from around our house

Ethan - What's that noise?
Austin - It might be the big bad wolf.

Ethan - Blue Rat is a mouse. 

Austin - It's time to eat.  It's 13 o'clock.

Eric - Why do the boys call Austin's special tiger a girl? Oh! Is it because a tigers are girls and lions are boys?

Lisa - Let's go get in the toliet! (I meant to say the hot tub!)

Ethan - Austin called me a damp.
Lisa - What?
Ethan - Austin called me a damp like a eeber builds.
Lisa - A dam like a beaver builds?
Ethan - Yes!

Austin - God is in my heart.
Ethan - Mom, when you go to Walmart, God goes with you in your heart.

Lisa - How did I get so lucky to have such sweet kids?
Austin - From God.

Ethan - Turn the TV off, we don't want to waste power! 
Austin - Turn off the water, we don't want to waste power for the fishies!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

red juice for sale

Yesterday Ethan decided he wanted to set up a stand to sell juice in front of our house.  He came up with the idea all on his own after watching Max and Ruby one day.  His favorite drink of choice is Juicy Juice Fruit Punch, so naturally he wanted to sell that instead of lemonade.  He was all set with his sign, piggy bank, cups and juice.

As soon as the UPS man dropped off a box of goodies for us, Ethan already was making plans for the box.  He made his own sign and taped it to the box.  He originally drew a dollar bill with an 8 on it, but later decided that $8 might just be a little too much money for a glass of juice.  He settled on charging any old coin for a drink.

They tested it as they waited for customers.

The customers eventually came and he sold out on his first day.  He was very happy and proud!  I love my little entrepreneur!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Lauren tried sweet potato puffs for the first time this weekend.  She LOVED  them!  It entertained her for a long time and she did pretty well at actually getting them in her mouth.

Eating is hard work!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

2 years of blogging

2 years ago I started this blog.
500 posts later I still love to blog.
The over 1750 pictures on my blog will someday be printed into a blog book. It's going to be one T H I C K book!

The winner of the
fabric flower giveaway is...

Random Integer Generator 
9 - Samantha
Timestamp: 2009-09-26 15:31:22 UTC

Enjoy your fabric flower Samantha! 
Thanks for all the comments!  It was fun to see who reads my blog!

Friday, September 25, 2009

7 months old

Lauren is 7 months old today!

She has changed so much this month!  She is pushing up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth.  She will be crawling before we know it.  When I hold her, she squirms to get out of my arms and get into everything.  She is going to keep us busy very soon!

She still nurses every four hours during the day and takes a bottle before bedtime at 7:30.  She takes two hour naps at 9 and 1 and a short nap before bedtime.  She does great at soothing herself to sleep with her pacifier and blankie.  She started sleeping through the night finally!  I still give her a dream feed around 10, feed her around 6:30am and she wakes up for the day around 7:30.   

Lauren still just has two bottom teeth.  She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, veggies for lunch and cereal and veggies for dinner.  We will try baby yogurt and puffs soon.

Look how much she has grown!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let's Roll!

Ethan LOVES his old school trike.  He rides around on it like he is on the coolest bike around. He will ride as fast as his little feet can peddle and then throw on the brakes and skid to a stop.  It cracks me up because he thinks he is so cool! If he is a good boy, maybe Santa will bring him a cool new Big Wheel for Christmas.

When I saw this shirt at Old Navy, I just couldn't resist!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Our sweet little baby is celebrating her 7 month birthday with a double ear infection.  She is on antibiotics now, so hopefully she will back to her happy little self in no time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

our visit to the country

Our friends David and Sharon bought a beautiful piece of land out in the country and Saturday night we went over to hang out.  We had a great time shooting skeet, grilling yummy food, taking tractor rides and playing with their new baby chicks. 

Can't wait for those chicks to grow up so I can buy some farm fresh eggs!

To ease my nerves, the kids watched a movie while the adults praticed shooting skeet.  Ethan and Austin love playing with Allie, Haden, Julius and Vivian.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday night out

Friday night Mindy, Erica and I headed downtown for a night out with friends and then a sleepover at an awesome condo off Lady Bird Lake.  We met up at the Stephen F. Austin's bar and had a blast eating yummy appetizers, drinking over priced drinks and gabbing.  We stayed up way too late and had way too much fun.  Can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

fabric flower giveaway

In honor of my
2 year anniversary of blogging coming up,
I am having a
fabric flower giveaway!

Fabric flowers are...

Adorable on a headband,
precious on a tank,

cute on a frame,
and darling on a diaper bag.

Want one for yourself or know someone who would?  I have a lot of different fabrics and colors to choose from.

All you have to do is
leave me a comment
and I will pick a winner on my two year blogging anniversary on September 26th.  It's easy to leave a comment and you don't have to have a blog to do so. I'd love to know who is out there reading!
Good luck!

Friday, September 18, 2009

motivation to crawl

Not sure why I encouraged our little sweetie to crawl.  She is getting really close and quite honestly, I'm not too excited about it.  My life will dramatically change here pretty soon.  No longer will I have a stationary baby I can just plop on the floor to play!
Little Lauren loves her nightly bottle.  She is getting so big so fast!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

picnic at the park

Yesterday Sam and I met at the park with the kiddos for a picnic lunch.  It was really fun considering we were outnumbered with 7 kids and 2 mommas!  The weather was beautiful, the kids had a great time playing together and we actually got to talk. Sounds like a great afternoon to me.
Looking for trolls under the bridge
Later that afternoon we all played outside in the culdesac.  A little shower didn't keep us from having fun!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

life has grown

Thank you God for your many blessings!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

desperate housewife?

The other day I had to fill out a form that asked my occupation.

If I am either of those, I am failing miserably.  I do keep the house running, but I am no Bree Vandecamp with a spotless and organized house. There is dust on the tops of the ceiling fans, the carpet needs vacuuming once a day instead of once a week, and there is almost always a stack of laundry somewhere. 

My kids are fed, played with, bathed, and most importantly loved on.  So what did I put on the form?

Stay at home mom.

I think that describes the job I'm doing better and makes me feel less like a desperate housewife.  Raising kids is an important job and I'm so thankful I have the opportunity to do it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

monday monday

We spent this beautiful Monday morning enjoying the cooler weather and playing outside with friends.

For lunch we headed over to my parents' house to see Grandma, Aunt Betty Jo and Uncle George who stopped by on their way through town.  The kids were happy to see their great grandma.  How lucky are they to have seen all their great grandparents in two days? 
Later we played outside again and enjoyed the perfectly cool day.  It gave us a tiny glimpse of fall and I. can't. wait!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

65 years

65 years ago this lovely young couple were married.  Today they have two daughters, 4 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren and one son in Heaven.  They started this loving family and are a great example to all of us.
Saturday we headed over to Salado to celebrate with Nanny and Papa. We couldn't go our normal route due to flooding and had fun showing the boys the water. 
The boys were really excited to see a turtle on the side of the road.
Happy 65th anniversary Nanny and Papa!  We love you!