Friday, September 25, 2009

7 months old

Lauren is 7 months old today!

She has changed so much this month!  She is pushing up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth.  She will be crawling before we know it.  When I hold her, she squirms to get out of my arms and get into everything.  She is going to keep us busy very soon!

She still nurses every four hours during the day and takes a bottle before bedtime at 7:30.  She takes two hour naps at 9 and 1 and a short nap before bedtime.  She does great at soothing herself to sleep with her pacifier and blankie.  She started sleeping through the night finally!  I still give her a dream feed around 10, feed her around 6:30am and she wakes up for the day around 7:30.   

Lauren still just has two bottom teeth.  She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, veggies for lunch and cereal and veggies for dinner.  We will try baby yogurt and puffs soon.

Look how much she has grown!


  1. She sure looks all better! We have to get together next week...I need to see Lauren!! Hope you have a great trip!

  2. She is so precious! I hope I make it to Austin before she gets too much bigger. I need to get my baby fix!

  3. What a beauty! She's such a sweet little monkey I can't believe she's SO BIG!

  4. Wow, seven months. She's a beauty.
