Tuesday, September 29, 2009

red juice for sale

Yesterday Ethan decided he wanted to set up a stand to sell juice in front of our house.  He came up with the idea all on his own after watching Max and Ruby one day.  His favorite drink of choice is Juicy Juice Fruit Punch, so naturally he wanted to sell that instead of lemonade.  He was all set with his sign, piggy bank, cups and juice.

As soon as the UPS man dropped off a box of goodies for us, Ethan already was making plans for the box.  He made his own sign and taped it to the box.  He originally drew a dollar bill with an 8 on it, but later decided that $8 might just be a little too much money for a glass of juice.  He settled on charging any old coin for a drink.

They tested it as they waited for customers.

The customers eventually came and he sold out on his first day.  He was very happy and proud!  I love my little entrepreneur!


  1. Cute! Grace always wants to have a pizza stand. Maybe they should go into business together. Pizza and red juice.

  2. Wow! I am so proud of Ethan and his business. Maybe he can sell that golf cart for us.

  3. Julius and Vivian enjoyed their juice. Thanks for giving them some quarters so they could "buy" some :-)

  4. Very cute! Logan and Ellie had a "capri sun" stand once. Must be a right of passage!

  5. Ethan is so impressive, again. What a sweet heart.
