Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wedding bliss

We went to my friend Lindsay's wedding this weekend. The boys stayed at home with my parents. It was hard to leave them, but we knew they were in good hands. It was comforting to know they were safe at home with people who love them as much as we do.

Lindsay and Jonathan got married in Houston and it was a beautiful wedding. It was fun to go to a Greek Orthodox wedding and experience the traditions. You could feel the love as the family did the traditional Greek dances at the reception.

Lindsay and I met in our college dorm the first day we moved in. We instantly hit it off and were the best of friends. We lived together our sophomore year and stayed great friends throughout college. The last time I saw her was at my wedding five years ago. My friend Nieva was at the wedding too. We were friends in college and lived together in Guanajuato, Mexico for a month and a half. It was so great to see my old friends again! I love the way we can start right back up where we left off after not seeing each other for five years. I have so many fun memories with them and they mean so much to me.

Eric and I had a fabulous time and the wedding was the perfect way to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. We danced to our song "At Last" to finish off the night. We slept in today and rushed back to see our babies. It was just the weekend we needed to enjoy each other and spend time alone.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend Lisa! Lindsey looks great, awesome pics!

  2. You look AWESOME!!! Your hair is big and sexy. Dress, beautiful. Eric is no slouch, either : ) I'm glad y'all had a great time. I completely understand what you mean about rushing back home to the kids.
