Friday, November 2, 2007

5 Years

Today is Eric and my 5 year anniversary. It seems like just yesterday we met. It all started one afternoon in August 1998. I was working at the Gristmill as a waitress and I saw this new guy walk in. I immediately knew he was someone I wanted to get to know. I had some fierce competition in the fight to win him over, but I won and he was worth the fight. After I graduated, I moved to Austin and he followed a year later. We both ended up working at DFS. We dated for four years before we got married. He asked me to marry him on top of a mountain in Colorado. I was so surprised and it was the perfect way to begin our lives together.

When we met I knew someday he would make a great husband and father, but I could have never imagined just how wonderful and supportive he would really be. He is the best dad and loves his boys so much. He plays with them and teaches them new things every day. He is a great husband and is always there for me. He encourages me to have time to myself and is a great partner in life. I feel so blessed to have him as my husband and best friend!


    I hope y'all have a great one!

  2. Happy Anniversary Lisa and Eric- What are your big plans?

  3. Happy 5th Anniversary! You and Eric are a great couple, awesome paretts and wonderful friends. We are all lucky to have you in our lives. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. - Love, erica

  4. Wow! I can't believe it's been 5 years. Congratulations! In today's world 5 years is nothing to sneeze at. I'm sure it will be your 50th before you know it.
