Friday, November 30, 2007

My Grandpa

I don't remember what we were talking about as we sat on the swing together. What I do remember is going inside to get something and then looking out the screen door. I knew something was wrong so I called my grandma's name. She ran out the door and over to my grandpa on the back porch. Then she ran inside and called the ambulance. I remember them taking my grandpa away and my grandma going with them. I remember crying just one solitary tear. Then I was left to stay at the neighbor's house. I remember playing with toys and wondering what was wrong as I waited for my parents to come pick me up. He died that day of a massive heart attack. I remember the funeral and how I touched his hand as he laid there.
I miss my grandpa and I wish I had more time with him. I was 6 when he passed away. I often wonder how different life would be for my grandma if he would have been around the past 25 years. I wish he was still with us. I wish I knew his laugh, his old stories and his personality. I can't wait to see him someday in Heaven!

My grandfather's parents - They say I look like my great grandmother.

With me as a baby

Things I remember about him...
I remember his old pickup truck he would take me on rides in... his khaki coveralls he wore all the time... his tools in the garage to make his beautiful carvings... his cane... going on walks with him and he would throw quarters in front without me knowing it so I could find it... the way he would pull his glasses down on his nose to scare me... he bought me my first rabbit...sitting on his lap... his red hair and blue proud of me he was.


  1. You do look like your great grandma. Aren't you glad you got that last little bit of swing time with your grandpa. I really like this blog.

  2. Lisa,
    I love this blog! You made me cry. I love the picture of you as a little girl - precious! I think you may need to have a baby girl! How cute she would be!! Just a thought!

  3. What a sweet blog. You look like your great-grandmother.
