Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas traditions

This is my favorite time of the year. I started pulling out the Christmas decorations yesterday. The decorations, music and lights really get me in the holiday spirit. I just love everything about Christmas. I love spending time with family, buying thoughtful gifts for people, looking at Christmas lights and remembering the true meaning of Christmas.

I have this vivid memory from Christmas when I was 7. I remember laying on the couch, listening to Amy Grant Christmas tape and watching our snow frosted Christmas tree blink with colored lights. I remember being so happy and content. Even then, I loved the feel of the house on a cold night with a beautifully decorated tree and family around. A little Santa like this one in the picture always held presents in his pack for me when I was little. I had to buy one for the boys so they could enjoy the surprises too.

We have many traditions in my family that I want to pass on to the boys.
- Every year we get a new ornament that symbolizes the year. When my boys get married, they can take all the ornaments they have gotten since they were a baby.
- We all pile in the car and look at Christmas lights while singing Christmas carols. (Not Eric's favorite thing, but I love it of course)
- On Christmas Eve, we each get one present and sit around in a circle. My mom recites "The Night Before Christmas" and every time the word "AND" is said, we pass the present. If you have your present at the end, you can open it. Then we keep passing until everyone has opened their present.
- We always watch "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase.

One tradition I love is the hunt for the last present Santa brings. Every year as long as I can remember, Santa hid one present somewhere for me to find. In my stocking he left a note with a clue and I had to search from clue to clue until I found the present. I remember finding a purple jam box in the dryer, earrings on the Christmas tree and a hamster in it's round running toy. I am embarrassed to admit that Santa did this until I was 25. That probably explains a lot about me to you! :)

I want my kids to have the same fond memories of Christmas. We might go a little overboard with all the traditions and I'm entirely too sentimental, but that is what makes it such a special time of the year. Spending time with loved ones and remembering Jesus' birth is what it is all about!


  1. Very nice. I'm excited about having traditons with my family, too. I can't wait to make our calendars so we can start a new tradition.

  2. I love those traditions. I might have to steal some ideas and make them our own.

  3. I agree with Mindy, I want to steal.

  4. You have some beautiful traditions.
