Saturday, October 27, 2007

Grandparents' Day

Last night was the first night Ethan and Austin have spent the night away from us. We dropped them off at my parents' house around 6 pm and picked them up this morning at 10. They had a great time going for walks, playing with rocks and exploring the yard. They did not miss us at all and Ethan only asked where we were once.

We missed them! We had a fun night out though. We went to eat at Clay Pit with Sammy and Chris. Eric loves Indian food since he visited India. Before he went, I couldn't get him to even try it. The Clay Pit has awesome food and a cool atmosphere. It was really nice to eat great food with great friends!

This morning we got to sleep in and weren't awakened with our usual 7 am alarm clock named Austin. Eric brought me my favorite bad indulgence (McGriddle) and I ate it in bed. Talk about a perfect morning.

Then we headed over to pick up the boys. Our next stop was to Eric's grandparents' house in Salado. Eric's parents were there visiting. They live on four acres and the boys love to run around outside. We ate lunch and enjoyed the perfect weather.

The boys are truly blessed to have such loving grandparents and great grandparents on both sides!

1 comment:

  1. Your little ones are so lucky to have such a wonderful family.
