Sunday, October 28, 2007

Best of intentions

We went to church this morning with the best of intentions. Ethan happily went into his room and was excited to play with the other kids. Austin was not so happy about it. We ended up playing outside instead of listening to the service. So much for getting something out of church! At least Ethan had a great time. Hopefully next Sunday will be better!

Austin is such a little stinker. He is smiling so big in this picture because he knows he is not suppose to be carrying this basket of no nos. In the other picture he was throwing blocks and then saying "uh oh!" like it was an accident. He is so funny and always keeps Eric and I laughing. He is such a bright part of our family and we wouldn't trade him for anything.


  1. Funny how they crawl into your hearts that way !

  2. Yes, I know all too well about the church "playtime." I always hope that some of the sermon soaks in via osmosis. I also know about the little stinker syndrome. Grace always says, "sorry mama," over and over when she knows she's doing something wrong, but isn't going to stop.
