Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our early Christmas

Last weekend we celebrated Christmas early with Eric's parents and sister's family.   We had fun hanging out at the house, eating yummy food and opening presents.

Ethan loved his treasure box filled with cool rocks Gege gave him.


Lauren insisted on putting on her new hat, shirt and shoes right away.  Her new Olivia doll never left her side for days.

I made 241 Totes for all the ladies.

Leon and Eric

Sunday we headed to Temple to see Nanny and Papa.

All the grandkids


Papa made up a fun game for the kids that involved envelopes and money.  He definitely had their attention and they loved every minute of it!


Happy kiddos!


Nanny and Papa got to love on Dolly.

These two look just alike!  Abby's baby pictures look so much like Lauren, it's crazy!

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Christmas with Eric's family!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Especially those envelopes filled with money.
