Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lauren's first haircut

Friday I took Lauren to get her first haircut and manicure.  She loved the the pink car she got to sit in.  We had to bribe her with two lollipops and a Barbie movie to sit still the entire haircut.

The hairstylist trimmed up the back to make it a little more even.

Lauren enjoyed getting her hair blown dry.

All done! 

She loved the girly room in the back.  She sat in a big chair and danced on the stage before she got her first manicure.

She was a very happy little girl and I was too!  I always dreamed of taking my daughter to the beauty shop and it was so nice to spend some girl time with my little sweetie!


  1. You do realize that you're probably creating a little beauty shop monster, right? Now she'll want to go all the time! It's fun though, isn't it?

  2. How adorable is she!!??? So cute.

  3. Luke had the same hair stylist! Small world. Can't wait to take Selma there sometime.
