Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Columbus Day camping

We spent our Columbus Day camping with friends at Leisure Resort in Fentress.  The kids had a blast playing with Matthew, Madison, Hannah, Haden, Conner, Julius and Vivian.  They all get along really well and loved exploring together.

We had fun going on nature walks

and checking out the San Marcos River.

The kids built a dam again like they did last year.

The guys really wanted to get in a float before it started raining and didn't let a few sprinkles get in the way of their plans!

Then the rain really started!

The rain really came down Saturday night and made our campsite a muddy mess.  Not so good for our camper, but wonderful for the kids.  They loved exploring the mud and mess.

Laruen and I got a little creative inside and played peek-a-boo to stay dry.

As usual, I took a ton of pictures of kids and none of the adults.  Oh well, I'll try to remember next time!  It was a fun, muddy weekend and we really enjoyed spending time with friends!

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