Sunday, June 5, 2011

June Market Days 2011

We spent this weekend in Wimberley at Market Days.  Since my mom is out of town and couldn't babysit while we popped kettle corn, I got to take this month off and hang out with my kiddos.  The kids loved riding in the wagon, munching on kettle corn, dancing on a "stage" and picking out new marbles.  They have grown quite the marble collection since we always get some at Market Days.

While Eric popped all day, I kept the kids entertained with new bubble guns.  They blow the best bubbles, but are super loud.  I got stopped by at least 10 people asking me where I got them.  I soon realized you either love or hate the bubble guns.  If they keep the kids happy and entertained, I love them! 

My cousin Lori (Randy's sister) and her adorable daughter Mayumi were shopping at Market Days and stopped by our camper to say hi.  It was so good to catch up with her and let the kids get to know each other better. 

My attempt at a group picture this morning on our walk to breakfast was not successful.  Funny though!


  1. Those bubble guns are the BEST! We have already had to replace ours twice!

  2. Your kids are so stinking cute. i am dying for some kettle corn!
