Thursday, November 17, 2011

heirloom quilts

I love quilts.  I love to make them for my family and I love having them in my home.  I'm a sentimental girl and I love thought of my quilts being snuggled on by my children's children some day.  I'm very lucky to have some beautiful quilts that were passed down to me.

My grandma made this quilt for my mom and used fabric from her childhood dresses.

My mom can look at the quilt and remember the dresses she wore to elementary school.  I love that.  I do have a stack of the boys' favorite T-shirts in their closet so I can someday make a T-shirt quilt for them.

This quilt was a collaborative effort between my mom and Grandma.  My mom painted all the pictures and my grandma quilted it.

I love that my kids crawled and drooled all over it when they were babies.

My grandma made this quilt for me too.  Isn't it sweet?

I love how big it is and the bright, primary colors.

I am lucky enough to have married into a quilting family too!  Eric's grandma Nanny is an amazing quilter, embroiderer and crafter.

Look  at the beautiful detail on each state flower!  It is an award winning quilt and I'm so thankful it was passed on to our family.


  1. Why do you have so many quilts passed down from your mother and grandmother and I have none?

  2. Hmmm... I finally have proof that I'm the favorite daughter.

  3. Those are all so beautiful, and in such good condition.
